A: Hey, Jason. Do you teach your kids about Santa Claus? A: 嘿,Jason,你和孩子们讲圣诞老人了吗?

B: Yeah, as long as it's the truth. What I don't do is perpetuate a culturally-endorsed lie. B: 是的,只讲了事实。我不会让这个广为流传的谎言继续下去。

A: Oh, so you've enlightened them about how it originated in the 4th century? A: 噢,所以你向他们阐述了圣诞老人如何起源于4世纪?

B: Yeah, with St. Nicholas and how he gave gifts to children... hence the gift-giving. B: 对,讲了圣尼古拉斯以及他怎样赠予孩子礼物的... 因此便有了送礼物的传统。

A: Hmm, and so did you tell them the etymology of "Santa Claus"? A: 嗯,那你告诉他们“圣诞老人”的词源了吗?

B: Sure did. The Dutch version of St. Nicholas. And also how Father Christmas was the British personification of Christmas.

B: 当然讲啦。是荷兰版的圣尼古拉斯。我还讲了圣诞老人是如何成为英国圣诞节的化身。

A: That's a lot of history. Don't you think that takes the magic out of Christmas? A: 太多历史知识啦。你不觉得这样会剥夺圣诞节的魅力吗?

B: That "magic" came from the Christmas industrial complex. Think Christmas shopping. B: 这种“魅力”来自圣诞节的商业化。比如圣诞节购物。

A: Fair enough. There were a lot of marketing campaigns in the early 20th century, like with Coca Cola. A: 很有道理。20世纪初有很多营销活动,比如可口可乐公司的。

B: Yep, and all the Hollywood depictions have really propagated the modern Santa Claus. B: 对,而且各种各样的好莱坞电影的塑造很大程度上传播了现代圣诞老人的形象。

A: I still think kids who believe in Santa Claus turn out alright. A: 我还是觉得信圣诞老人的孩子也没什么不同。

B: But it's the principle of the thing. It encourages credulity, and is tantamount to bribing kids for good behavior.

B: 但这是原则性问题。这会鼓励轻信,就等同于用奖励换取孩子良好表现。

A: Do you know any other way to get kids to behave? A: 你还知道什么别的办法能让孩子乖乖听话吗?