Dog influencers are so popular, they need their own talent agency


It’s almost noon, and Loni Edwards’s client is drooling on the carpet in the lobby.


Edwards is the founder and CEO of The Dog Agency, a New York City-based management agency that caters exclusively to “pet influencers.” The popularity of pet accounts on social media has exploded in the last few years—particularly on Instagram, where #dogsofinstagram has more than 124 million posts and the most popular dog account, Jiff the Pomeranian, has more than twice as many followers as Hillary Clinton. Edwards’s 160 clients also include a few cats and monkeys, though her primary focus is still canines. She advises their “humans” on growth strategies and brand management, and books for paid posts, ad campaigns, and in-person appearances around the country.

爱德华兹是“狗狗中介”的创始人兼首席执行官,这家位于纽约市的管理机构专门迎合“网红宠物们”的需要。在过去的几年里,宠物账户在社交媒体上的知名度猛增。特别是在 Instagram 上,“Instagram 上的狗狗”这个话题拥有超过 1.24 亿条帖子,最有名的狗狗账号“博美犬杰夫”的粉丝数量,比希拉里·克林顿粉丝的两倍还多。爱德华兹的 160 个客户里也包括一些猫和猴子,不过她核心业务还是在犬类身上。她为网红狗狗的主人们提供增长策略和品牌管理方面的建议、为他们安排付费帖子的发布、广告宣传以及全国范围的见面会。

“There was no central hub pulling together this new pet influencer space,” she says. “Brands were sending direct messages to hundreds of pets and hearing back from a fraction of them. These humans a lot of times have full-time jobs, they’re not checking their dog’s email regularly. So there was definitely a need to kind of pull everything together.”


Today, Edwards’s portfolio includes both superstar influencers–like @tunameltsmyheart, a chihuahua-dachshund mix with 2 million followers–and up-and-comers, like Chase, whose account @sometimescarl has a still-impressive 85,000-follower reach. Her clients have worked with plenty of pet supply companies on product placements and ads, but also book gigs with human brands like Dyson, the Ritz Carlton, and Ralph Lauren.

如今,爱德华兹的业务组合既包括了超级网红狗明星,比如拥有 200 万粉丝的 @tunameltsmyheart,它是吉娃娃和腊肠狗的杂交狗,也包括了一些像 Chase 一样的后起之秀,Chase 在 Instagram 上的账号是 @sometimescarl,有 85,000 位粉丝,但同样令人印象深刻。爱德华兹的客户与许多宠物用品公司合作,进行产品展示和广告拍摄。不仅如此,他们还接受如戴森、丽思卡尔顿和拉夫劳伦等人类用品品牌的工作任务预定。

<aside> 💡 **Notes:**这句话我们用找主干的方法理解。去掉修饰成分,这个句子的主干应该是 Edwards’s portfolio includes both superstar influencers and up-and-comers,主语 Edwards’s portfolio,指的是“爱德华兹公司的业务组合”,这些组合 includes both superstar influencers and up-and-comers 。superstar influencers 我们知道,在这个语境下应该被理解成“超级网红狗明星”,而 up-and-comers 指“在某个领域有前途的新人”,我们在这里翻译为“后起之秀”。所以,这句话主要是想说,爱德华兹的公司既为“超级网红狗明星”做代理,也为萌宠界的后起之秀服务。了解了句子主干,我们把修饰部分加进去。作者在提到 superstar influencers,“超级网红狗明星”时,举了一只在 instagram 上昵称为 tuna melts my heart 的网红狗狗,它是一个吉娃娃和腊肠狗的杂交狗, a chihuahua-dachshund mix。注意这里讲到 tuna melts my heart 这只 superstar influencer 时,在它的名字前面加了一个@符号,模仿了社交媒体上的行文写法。看完了“超级网红狗明星”的补充,我们再来看看作者在提到 up-and-comers ,后起之秀们时的补充,like Chase, whose account @sometimescarl has a still-impressive 85,000-follower reach .这里举了一个叫做 Chase 的狗狗的例子,它的账号是 sometimes carl,它拥有 a still-impressive 85,000-follower reach. 这里的 still-impressive 和 85,000-follower,都是用连字符组成的复合形容词,分别表示“然而同样令人深刻的”,和“ 有85000 名粉丝的”,注意这里的 still 是副词,有转折的含义,虽然是后起之秀,表现却依然令人印象深刻。紧接着的名词 reach,应该理解为“影响的程度或者范围”。

