A: Hey Taylor, I have a business deal coming up and could use some help with negotiating.

A: 嘿,Taylor,我手上有个生意要谈,可以给我一些谈判建议吗?

B: Sure. The biggest thing I'd say is that negotiations don't have to be adversarial. Try to sympathize with them and know what their goals are.

B: 当然。我觉得最重要的一点是,谈判不一定非要搞得剑拔弩张。试着换位思考,了解他们的目标是什么。

A: Okay, I'll do my homework. But what if things do go south during negotiation? A: 好的,我会做好功课。但要是谈判过程中真的谈崩了怎么办?

B: You need to figure out the minimum outcome you'll accept, and if that isn't met, you need a BATNA ready. B: 你要弄清楚你能接受的底线是什么,如果未达该结果,则需要准备一个BATNA。



B: Yep, best alternative to a negotiated agreement. Knowing you can walk away is your best friend in a negotiation.

B: 对,一个谈判协议的最佳替代方案。知道自己能全身而退对你的谈判很有利。

A: Got it. And what about keeping it non-confrontational? A: 懂了。那要怎么样避免冲突呢?

B: First off, no finger-pointing. Getting emotional will cloud your judgment. B: 首先,不要相互指责。感情用事会影响你的判断。

A: Okay, so should I just be like a robot? A: 好的,那我应该像个机器人一样吗?

B: Not at all. Building rapport is essential. A little small talk will make them more collaborative. B: 完全不用。建立融洽的关系至关重要。稍作闲聊会让他们更愿意合作。

A: Thanks. I'll try to remember that. A: 谢啦,我会尽力记住这一点。
